

Inventor of Modern Bra

Caresse Crosby: As a New York socialite in 1910, Polly Peabody was annoyed with the constrictions of her whalebone corset, so she sewed together two pocket-handkerchiefs and some pink ribbon to create a prototype bra. Based on its popularity, she was awarded the first patent for the modern bra. After marrying her second husband, Polly changed her name to Caresse, moved to Paris, and sent a telegram to the elder Crosbys reading “Please sell $10,000 worth in stock. We have decided to lead a mad and extravagant life.”  She spent the next 50 years doing just that. Caresses was also the founder of the Black Sun Press and a champion of many young writers of the time, including Ernest Hemingway, Henry Miller and Anaïs Nin. Time magazine called her the "literary godmother to the Lost Generation of expatriate writers in Paris." Among her many exploits, Caresse became the ghost writer for many of Henry Miller’s erotica short stories.

What She’s Made Of:

Caresse is made from the pages of vintage lingerie images and advertisements and pages of Henry Miller’s erotica writings (actually written by Caresse) acrylic, ink, and resin.



